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Brennessel (100 tabs)

24,95 EUR*

Inhalt: 40 Gramm (62,38 EUR* / 100 Gramm)

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit 1-3 Tage **

Produktnummer: 011233
Produktinformationen "Brennessel (100 tabs)"

100 tabs of  400 mg   
DE-ÖKO-007 (German Agriculture)   
Pack size: 40g  

100% natural, without additives   without added vitamins / minerals   GMO-free   Laboratory tested   Premium raw food quality   Gluten and lactose free   100% vegan   Developed by doctors and veterinarians   Made in Germany: Grown and processed in Germany     

Brennettle (leaves). From organic-ecological cultivation (Bioland).  

Most important ingredients   
Proteins (32%) Vitamins: Vitamin A 7.6 mg per 100 g (382% of daily requirement), Vitamin C 847 mg per 100 g (848% of daily requirement), B vitamins, carotenoids Minerals (20%): Silica SiO2 4.8%, Calcium 4.1 mg (409% of daily requirement), Iron 22 mg (178% of daily requirement), Potassium salts Flavonoids (1-2%): Astragalin, rutin, quercetin, kaempferol glycosides, beta-sitosterol Organic acids: malic acid, allantoic acid, formic acid, succinic acid, butyric acid, quinic acid, citric acid, p-coumaric acid, acetic acid, caffeoyl malic acid Amines: Acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin = 5-hydroxy-tryptamine, leukotrienes, choline Steroids: β-sitosterol, β-sitosterol-3-0-β-D-glucoside  
Essential oils; acetophenone, methylheptenone Coumarin: scopoletin Triterpene: oleanolic acid Lignans: eg. 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran   

Recommended Use   
Take 10-20 tabs daily. Increasing from 1 tablet daily is advisable. 
Take with or immediately after meals with sufficient liquidkei. A slow increase in dose is recommended; however, the recommended daily intake should not be exceeded. A balanced and varied diet, and a healthy lifestyle are important. 

Herbal products develop their effect only with time, so have some patience. Provided you are taking chemical medications, sometimes they cannot be avoided; consult your therapist before discontinuing or reducing any medication. 

Store in a cool, dry place away from light. The products are fresh sealed and according to § 312 g para 2 No. 3 BGB for reasons of health protection and hygiene from a return, or excluded from exchange.   

Brennettle (Urtica dioica)   
In ancient India, nettle was thought to be a symbol of Vasuki, the king of snakes, and was used to treat fevers, kidney ailments, and to stop bleeding. It was also valued in traditional Arabic medicine. It was considered one of the most sacred medicinal herbs of the Celts.   

In ancient times, the ancient Greeks used the nettle as a medicinal herb against arthritis for external and internal use. Urtication, the topical application of nettles, also known as "lashing with nettles," was a technique in which the user intentionally applied a nettle to the body to produce inflammation for the treatment of chronic rheumatism. Hippocrates used the herb as a diuretic to bring the humors of the body into harmony. 

It was mainly cultivated by the Benedictine monks and Benedictine nuns in their monastery gardens. "The nettle is very warm in its nature. In no way does it benefit from being eaten raw, because of its roughness. But when it sprouts fresh from the earth, it is useful for man's food when cooked, because it cleanses the stomach and takes away the mucus from it. And this makes any kind of nettle." she described Hildegard von Bingen in her medical science "Physica" and pharmacology "Causae et Curae".   

It was appreciated by the doctors of the Middle Ages. Hieronymus Bock mentioned the nettle in his "Kreutterbuch" in the first place and describes the leaves of the nettle as softening, wind- and diuretic, grimstillendes, aphrodisiac, wound-healing means. Dioscorides recommends it for cancerous ulcers, dislocations, gangrenous wounds, boils, ulcers, glandular swellings, nosebleeds, diseases of the spleen, pleurisy and pneumonia, asthma, skin sores, mouth diseases and dog bites. Pliny emphasizes its hemostatic effect. Matthiolus described it as helpful in side stitching, excessive menstruation, kidney stones, kidney grits and feeding ulcers. 
Eigenschaften "Brennessel (100 tabs)"
Bez: genetske tehnologije, gluten, mliječni proizvodi (laktoza)
Pogodno za:: Vegani
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